So, my chap project failed before it even got started. Fabricland didn't have the proper elastic I needed to make my chaps bigger. And since Fabricland is about the only place in Prince George to buy material, my project was sunk. I gave into the fact that I was going to have to buy new chaps and so the hunt began. I came home and jumped on my bike, joined up with mom and started shopping. Unfortunately, chaps are hard to find. Well, that's not really true, we did find chaps at a few different stores, but chaps that fit me are hard to find. So we ended up at the harley shop again, and found what I was looking for. We were going to go for a ride after that, but by the time we finally found what we were looking for, it was raining. After a frustrating morning, both my mom and I decided to go home.
Start: 33,023 km - End: 33,037 km - Total Distance: 14 km
I'm Sexy and I Know It ...
2 weeks ago