I took the bike to coffee today. Mom didn't have her's so I met her at home to get hers. I decided I needed a new pair of riding gloves so that was our mission today. We went to nearly every bike shop in town before I found a pair. For lunch, we went up to the hart and met with my aunts and gramma. Then we came back into town and made a loop up to the old caribou highway and around the airport. We met up with Ryan for dinner. Its Thursday which means the CMC (Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers) meets at A&W on fifth at 7 pm. My mom and I met up with them and rode out to Hixon for pie. There were 15 bikes. I forgot just how much I missed group riding. It was a blast.

Start: 31,899 km - End: 32,174 km - Total Distance: 275 km
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