O.k. so I'll start with the basics of the day and then I'll go into the stories (I've got a couple). So I met up with Phil at a little after 11:00 am and went for lunch. On our way to lunch we found construction on central. We didn't really get into the construction zone, but there was tar all over the road. We decided to avoid central for the rest of the day. And that's how our whole day went. It seemed like a day for avoiding construction. After lunch we decided to go for a little boot before we went to work in the parking lot. We headed out highway 16 east to do the airport loop. That was all good until we started coming into town on highway 97 south, where we found more construction. So we took a quick right on airport road and ended up coming back into town the same way we had come. We spent about 2 hours at CN centre so Phil could get some practice in.
When Phil got tired of that, we took a VERY long route home. We went out on Foothills to Chief Lake Road. We then headed farther out of town and came back into town on Old Summit Lake road. Once we were back into town, we had to head over to Ospika because we were still avoiding central. From Ospika we headed home.
O.k. now for the stories. While we were going down Old Caribou Highway, Phil randomly pulls over. He was worried about a high pitched squeal he kept hearing. I asked him a few questions about it and didn't really have any suggestions on what it might be. My only suggestion is to try and consistently duplicate the sound, so that we could narrow down the problem. So the next time we stop, Phil is kind of sheepish, and tells me he figured out what the sound was. It was the wind whistling through his helmet.
My other story is more of a piece of advice. Always make sure to cover ALL exposed body parts with sunscreen. It was again VERY hot (about 30^C) and the only protective gear I was wearing were my boots, helmet, and gloves (fingerless gloves at that). This equates to a lot of exposed skin. I thought I had done a pretty good job with the sunscreen this time, but alas, I still got burnt. My shoulders, arms and neck are all fine, however, I did not use sunscreen on my chest (I don't know why I always forget there). I do have another funny tan line though. You can see exactly where my necklace was sitting all day. Also, as I discovered this evening, my shirt was riding up a little. The small of my back is burnt as well. I guess I'll have to make sure fix that next time.
Start: 35,402 km - End: 35,547 km - Total Distance: 145 km
I'm Sexy and I Know It ...
2 weeks ago
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