Today I met up with Dan at 9:00 am at Timmy's. It was an early start for me (only because I stayed up too late the night before). We headed out to Two Hills. Its about an 1.5 hour ride out there. There is a grave yard there where my grampa and uncle are buried. My uncle's headstone had just been put in so I wanted to go and see it. I knew how to get to Two Hills, thanks to good old
Mapquest, however getting to the grave yard itself was a bit tricky. I had only been out there a couple of times and neither time was under my own terms so I was really not in the state of mind to remember directions. However, it wasn't that bad, we only had to turn around once (although I did second guess myself a few times).

It was really good to be there and spend some time there on my own terms. The first time I was there, it was the first time I had seen my grampa's grave and we had to go with the entire family for what they called "green holiday" and it really wasn't a very good scene at all. And the second time I went it was to bury my uncle, also not fun. So this time no one made me go out there, I chose to go, which was much better.

I still think that this last headstone is very odd, but there were more like them throughout the graveyard, so I guess its just what people do. (Note: This is a double headstone for my grandparents. My grandmother is still alive)
Anyway, we spend about 45 minutes to an hour at the grave yard itself and then we headed home. We got spit on a little bit and it was pretty windy but all in all it was a good trip.
After I said goodbye to Dan, I headed back to my hotel for a nap, and I went over to Irene's for the evening. That's about it for the day. After all is said and done, another good day of my holiday.
Start: 33,853 km - End: 34,204 km - Total Distance: 351 km
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