Season Start: 42,159 km
So all the snow finally melted at my mom's place and Reg went and got my bike up the hill yesterday, and I insured it TODAY!!!! Mom drove me up to her house, and after changing out the wiring for my old heated gear to the wiring for my new heated gear, and changing my seat, I was good to go. It only took like 1/2 an hour to get dressed, but it was all worth it.
I was a little worried on how it was going to start and run after sitting all winter. I completely neglected to properly winterize it. Didn't do a darn thing, no stablizer, didn't take the battery out, nothing. (The battery was dead, but my mom had that fixed before I got there) I did do one thing right though, there was a full tank of gas in it. I worried for nothing though, it was a little hard to turn over at first but that was more due to the less than fully charged battery than anything else. Once the battery was charged, it ran fantastically.
We just rode around town a little bit but I had a blast. There is still TONS of sand and potholes everywhere, but you just have to be a little more careful.
Reg did look at my tires, and I had already ordered a new back tire, but we decided to order a new front tire as well. The one that's on there seems to have worn really funny and I didn't want to mess with it. I'll get him to replace both of them when the new front one comes in.
One bit of annoying news, after hooking up all my new heated gear, I discovered that my "new" thermostat doesn't work. Of course I bought it off of ebay so I might be out of luck. We'll see if I can find something to replace it. Widder (the brand of my heated gear) has recently gone out of business so finding replacement parts has been a bit of a chore.
Start: 42,159 km - End: 42,194 km - Total Distance: 35km
I'm Sexy and I Know It ...
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
Shell , It probably took longer to write this post than we were on the bikes that day......Good to back on the road
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