Season in Review
I had a really great season on the bike this year. It was my first season back riding in a few years and I think probably my most active. I went on three trips, the biggest being to Yellowknife, which I had never been before. I put on 10,621 km which is pretty darn good in my opinion. I was away from Hubby a lot, which is sad, but I had a lot of fun anyway.
I had no major mechanical problems which is great. (Although I probably should have changed my oil more than I did.) So in the spring I need to get a new back tire and change my oil. I also need to look at my back brake because it has started to stick. It has almost cost me a couple of times so I should get it looked at before it is the cause of anything major occurring.
So that was my season. I hope next season is just as much fun. :D
Odometer Reading for the Season:
Start: 31,538 km - End: 42,159 km - Total Distance: 10,621 km
Monday, September 15, 2008
It is between Houston and Smithers. We try and get out there about once a year. And we like to go in the summer so that we can go on our bikes.
It was a gorgeous ride. Especially for being so late in the year. The above picture doesn't really show it, it was kinda cloudy at the site itself. But it was really hot and sunny most of the day.
We did a few things while we were out there. Reg cleaned up the site quite a bit. He brought out some clippers and cleared away all the weeds around the cross. Mom and I replaced the wind chimes that were out there and I brought out the tribute that I had made for my dad. We also took some pictures.
There is actually a huge ditch between the road and the site, so I had to set up the camera on my bike, hit the timer and RUN through the ditch and get into position for this picture to work. It took two tries, but it turned out pretty well. All in all a really great day with family.
Start: 41,474 km - End: 42,148 km - Total Distance: 674 km
Okanagan Stats
Total Distance Traveled: 1643 km
Average Fuel Consumption Rate: 20.27 km/L or 47.37 miles/gallon
Average Price for Gas: $1.44/L
Saturday, September 6, 2008
It didn't help that we had scattered showers from Kamloops all the way until 100 mile house. It was also pretty cold all day. It did warm up quite a bit at 100 mile, so that was nice.
I'll get to it tomorrow, maybe.
Friday, September 5, 2008
We stopped in Kelowna to do a little shopping. We stopped at a golf store and found Ryan a jacket and a couple of shirts. And of course we had to stop at the harley shop. Mom was looking for a new helmet (like she needs another one) and a new vest. She didn't find either but we did run into a friend of my mom's (Bruce).
After Kelowna we headed to Vernon and O'keef Ranch.
(This is a picture of Vernon from a pull out before we entered it from Penticton.) The Ranch was a neat little place to visit. We got to see a victorian home (mansion) that is basically the same as it was 100 years ago.
There was also a few buildings that were musium type buildings giving some information and showing some displays of the era. We really liked this display.
Can you imagine seeing a biker riding down the road in those. :D
We then headed to Kamloops. The weather wasn't nearly as nice as it was yesturday, but it wasn't too bad. It did spit on us a couple of times and we though for sure were were driving into a down pour just outside of Kamloops but we got lucky.
We then checked into another hotel and casino. We went for dinner and then on a hunt for a highlighter and munchies for later. We ended up going across the street to London Durgs, then to Cooper Foods, and then back to London Drugs.
After that little adventure, we headed to the casino. We didn't do nearly as well tonight as we did last night. I dumped $50.00 into the slos and walked away. I plyaed my Keno ticket again and didn't win anything AGAIN.
And now we are back in the hotel room ready for bed.
Start: 40,689 km - End: 40,934 km - Total Distance: 245 km
Thrusday, September 4, 2008
Then we headed for Vernon. We had lunch in Vernon and made some plans for the rest of our trip. After a quick stop at Vernon Motor Sports (to buy a tinted visor for my helmet) we were off to Kelowna. We've decided that Kelowna is a pain. There is too much traffic and everyone's in a hurry to go no where.
The temperature today was beautiful. I was in full leathers until after kelowna, but when we filled up in West Bank, I took off both my chaps and jacket. I'm glad I did too because just after that we were stopped by construction.
Driving around Okanagan Lake is always a beautiful trip. On the bikes it is even better. We got to Penticton at about 4:00 pm.
Mom decided that we should stay at one of the nicest hotels in Pecticton: "The Pentiction Lakeside Resort" (with a lake side room).
My favourite part of the hotel was that the entire parking lot was pay parking ($5 a day) except of motorbikes. They had their own parking and it was free. Woot for being on the bikes.
We bet up with Mat at Boston Pizza at 5:00 pm. We had a really grood dinner and visit with Matt. After dinner Mom and I went for a swim at the hotel. There was no one in the pool so we had it all to ourselves. It was great.
After our swim we went for a walk along the beach. I did try and take a few pictures, but it was too dark and they came out too blurry. We decided to come back and try our luck at the cassino. (BTW: I only won $6.00 on yesturday's ticket.) We did pretty well actually. I wone enough to play my Keno ticket again (again, we havve to check tomorrow to see if we won anything) and mom walked away about $150.00 ahead.
We're now in our room nearing the end of our night. We ordered pizza and are watching T.V. Well I am, mom is putting silly things on her head. Lack of sleep can do that to a person.
Start: 40,481 km - End: 40,689 km - Total Distance: 208 km
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
We stopped at the Harley shop in Kamloops to do some shopping. We stopped there specifically because we knew they carried "purple slice", a new bike cleaner my mom discovered this season. My mom also bough me a seat pad. its called an Airhawk. I think I'll like it a lot once I get the air level right. We'll see what happens throughout the rest of the trip.
We are now at uncle Bill and aunt Shirley's hous in Salmon Arm. We got in at about 6:15 pm (late for dinner but they forgave us). We enjoyed a nece evening with them and now we are off to bed.
Start: 39,831 km - End: 40,481 km - Total Distance: 650 km
Mold - YUCK
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Start: 39,801 km - End: 39,831 km - Total Distance: 30 km
Monday, August 25, 2008
Start: 39,780 km - End: 39,801 km - Total Distance: 21 km
Monday, August 4, 2008

By the time we finished that we didn't get out of town until about 3:00 pm. We headed to Quesnel for dinner. It was an awesome ride. The weather was very nice, and it was hard to decide whether or not to wear our jacket. (In actual fact, we either put them on or took them off at nearly every stop). We had a really nice ride out there and back.
There always seems to be one idiot though. So we're in a passing lane and we pass this one car, and a second car comes up behind us so I pulled back into the right lane and he passed me, but he ran out of passing lane (and I left too much space between Phil and I) and he got between us. So as I'm looking for another place to pass this car and get up with Phil, this car is riding Phil's butt BIG time. And the more I watch him, the closer he is getting. All of a sudden I realize that he's trying to pass Phil on the RIGHT. Phil realized what was going on and pulled over and let him go, but we were all pretty upset.
Once we got back into P.G. we decided we weren't quite done riding and decided to take the Old Cariboo Highway to Giscome Rd as a little detour. I think we all had a really great time. I know I did. I've been gone pretty much all day. I left the house at a little before 2:00 pm and didn't get back until almost 9:30 pm.
Start: 39,451 km - End: 39,780 km - Total Distance: 329 km
Cleaning :P
P.S. Does anyone know of a good paint cleaner/polish that will fix a hazy finish?
California 1999
Thursday, July 24, 2008
So because he can legally go about 60 km/h, we decided to go for a little ride. We headed out to Vanderhoof for a celebratory piece of pie.

Homemade rubarb pie and homemade strawberry pie = YUMMMMMM!!!!!! It was very good, but kind of expensive: 16 bucks for 2 pieces of pie and 2 cans of pop. Its o.k. it was a special occasion. I couldn't finish all of mine so Phil had to help.
I'm sure he was completely heart broken that he had to eat more pie. ;) I think he'll get over it.
So again I didn't wear my jacket, and again I got burnt. At least its in different spots, cause I was in different shirts. I'm going to have all sorts of funky tan lines by the end of the summer.
Start: 39,229 km - End: 39,451 km - Total Distance: 222 km
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Phil and I went for a little bit of a ride after we were done practicing. We went up and around the airport and then across town to university way. It was a nice little ride. I paid for not wearing my jacket today though. My shoulders are pretty burnt again. You'd think I'd learn. I should at least use sun screen when I don't wear my jacket. Also, you'd think I'd remember that its bloody cold down foothills and up university way without a jacket, but I always forget that too. It was refreshing though, so I won't complain too much. ;)
Start: 39,156 km - End: 39,229 km - Total Distance: 73 km
Monday, July 21, 2008
Start: 39,124 km - End: 39,156 km - Total Distance: 32 km
Sunday, July 20, 2008

What is kind of hard to see in this picture is that there is a HUGE chip at the bottom edge of the crack as well.
When I was bringing Phil home we got caught in a rain storm so I rode to my mom's and she brought me home. So the bike is up at my mom's and I'll have to go and get it tomorrow.
Start: 39,092 km - End: 39,124 km - Total Distance: 32 km
Trip Statistics and Final Comments
Distance Travelled: 3502 km
Average Distance Travelled per Riding Day: 568 km
Average Fuel Consumption: 16.05 km/L or 37.74 miles/gallon
Average Price for Fuel: $1.46/L
Friday, July 18, 2008 - Day 8
Then we headed home. The bike is now parked, although extremely dirty.
Everything is unloaded and its all sitting in the middle of our living room waiting to be cleaned and put away, but that will have to wait for now.
For this evening I am going to enjoy my husband's company and visit with Dan one last night before he heads home.
Start: 38,781 km - End: 39,092 km - Total Distance: 311 km
Thursday, July 17, 2008 - Day 7
In Fairview, Dan and I had a difference of opinions on when and where to stop for the night. Lets just say tired and cranky Michelle and tired and cranky Dan mix about as well as oil and water. In the end we sort of compromised. We went farther than I would have liked but we're not on the side of the road somewhere as Dan would have liked. And Dan and I talked over the events of the day and things are good again.
Start: 37,868 km - End: 38,781 km - Total Distance: 913 km
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - Day 6

We then headed into town to do a little more exploring. We checked out the musium and drove through old town. Yellowkinfe is a pretty little town.


I realized later that it never really got dark. There was dusk for a couple of hours but never complete darkness.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 - Day 5

After the ferry is where we started seeing bison. Neither Dan nor I expected to see bison on this trip. At first we just saw one or two on the side of the road at a time. That was fine and kinda interesting. I didn't realize just how big they were in the wild. Then we had to ride through an entire herd. That was a little terrifying and spectacular all at the same time. There were a couple on the road that wouldn't move. A truck come the other way and cleared one of them for us. But there was another one on the shoulder that decided to run along side Dan. There were many others farther off being fairly aggressive with each other as well. It all turned out fine and we got through them without a problem. Dan then pulled over not very far past them to take pictures. I was a little uncomfortable with that but my desire for pictures outweighed my fear. Unfortunately, the pictures that I took didn't really turn out.
We had to drive in to Rae for gas. (We sort of missed Edzo) and then it was the final stretch to Yellowknife. We found the campsite with out a problem. After unloading we headed into town for dinner and a little exploring. The rest of the night was spent at the campsite: chatting, playing cards and exploring the lake.

Monday, July 14, 2008 - Day 4

Sunday, July 13, 2008 - Day 3

I had to look through that for over 60 km until we stopped again for gas. (YUCK) We stopped at the border sign to get some pictures. It was actually really great because we could drive our bikes right up in front of it and get some really great shots.
Just one more thing to note about the trip. The road, for the most part was in decent condition. There were, however, at least 3 very large holes. Its a very good thing that they were very well marked. I think that if we would have hit them, they would have swallowed up our bikes and we would have never been seen again. They were that big.
But we are at Naomi's now and we are safe and warm and dry. And we'll see what tomorrow bring us.
Start: 36,158 km - End: 36,816 km - Total Distance: 658 km
Saturday, July 12, 2008 - Day 2
Irene was beautiful and the cerimony was awesome. We all had a really great time at the reception as well. These are just a few pictures I took. I did take several more but decided it would take up too much room to post them all here. So Ryan and Kim are headed home tomorrow and Dan and I are headed north.
Friday, July 11, 2008 - Day 1
Trouble started at summit lake (less than an hour out of town). We had half an hour of construction which included at least 10 km of gravel. Gravel is bad enough by yourself, but with a passenger going 30 km/h (or slower) it is even worse.
First gas stop was windy point. (It was supposed to be McLeod Lack but they didn't have gas & windy point was only another 15 km down the road.) So I get off my bike and take off my helmet and it falls apart. One of the plastic bolts holding the jaw piece of my helmet had come loose.

The road from Windy Point to Chetwynd was really really great. Tight and twisty makes for a bad car road but a really great motorcycle road. In
In Chetwynd I realized the bolt of my helmet was completely gone and I would have to buy a new helmet all together. Unfortunately there aren't any motorcycle shops in Chetwynd or Dawson Creek. There was one in Fairview however. There was an issue about timing, but I managed to get there on time. Ryan and Kim and Dan went to the rehearsal while I brought all our stuff up to the hotel room.
When I got up to the room, I realized that it was not what we had reserved. I went downstairs to see what I could do. It ended up a VERY bad situation and nothing was resolved. So we are in a more expensive, less ideal room, but such is life. I decided not to let it ruin my night.
Ryan picked me up after the rehearsal and we went out to the Bosma farm for the rehearsal dinner. We had a really great time there. So we came home and now I'm sitting writing this journal entry. I thought that this is where I was going to end it, but one more event just occurred that I think is worth mentioning.
I'm not exactly sure what happened, because I was writing, but somehow Naomi locked us out of the bedroom. She dealt with it though and things are all good again. Kind of a fitting end to a crazy day.
Start: 35,590 km - End: 36,158 km - Total Distance: 568 km
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Start: 35,550 km - End: 35,590 km - Total Distance: 40 km
Saturday, July 4 - Monday, July 7, 2008
It sounded like it was a pain in the butt job. He had to build a bracket for the thermostat, but its all done and I am VERY appreciative. Thanks so much again Reg.
Start: 35,547 km - End: 35,550 km - Total Distance: 3 km
Sewing with leather is an interesting task

Canada Day Fireworks
Little did we know when we set out, what we were to see. Fireworks in general are usually a good time, even in PG. This year was actually impressive. We're pretty sure that the city must have gotten a new sponsor.
Watching a lighting storm is always great. Human ingenuity can never out match the beauty of nature. However, put the two together and it is a site to see. We sat on the bank, next to the CN centre parking lot and watched human creativity set against God's creativity. It was absolutely breath taking.
Monday, June 30, 2008
When Phil got tired of that, we took a VERY long route home. We went out on Foothills to Chief Lake Road. We then headed farther out of town and came back into town on Old Summit Lake road. Once we were back into town, we had to head over to Ospika because we were still avoiding central. From Ospika we headed home.
O.k. now for the stories. While we were going down Old Caribou Highway, Phil randomly pulls over. He was worried about a high pitched squeal he kept hearing. I asked him a few questions about it and didn't really have any suggestions on what it might be. My only suggestion is to try and consistently duplicate the sound, so that we could narrow down the problem. So the next time we stop, Phil is kind of sheepish, and tells me he figured out what the sound was. It was the wind whistling through his helmet.
My other story is more of a piece of advice. Always make sure to cover ALL exposed body parts with sunscreen. It was again VERY hot (about 30^C) and the only protective gear I was wearing were my boots, helmet, and gloves (fingerless gloves at that). This equates to a lot of exposed skin. I thought I had done a pretty good job with the sunscreen this time, but alas, I still got burnt. My shoulders, arms and neck are all fine, however, I did not use sunscreen on my chest (I don't know why I always forget there). I do have another funny tan line though. You can see exactly where my necklace was sitting all day. Also, as I discovered this evening, my shirt was riding up a little. The small of my back is burnt as well. I guess I'll have to make sure fix that next time.
Start: 35,402 km - End: 35,547 km - Total Distance: 145 km
Saturday, June 28, 2008

That's right, more practice for Phil. I met up with him at about 4:00 pm and he came over to our house for dinner. Then it was off to the ICBC building for some practice. It was closed for the weekend, and we figured since that was where he was going to take his test anyway, it would be a good spot to practice. It was really nice actually, because it had all sorts of marks all over the ground for different parts of the test.
We were there until about 8:30 pm. When Phil had finally had enough we met up with Ryan for a well deserved ice cream break. It was super warm today so neither Phil or I were wearing our jackets. But that last ride was a little chilly. We decided to take the "direct" route back to his house. (ie: via airport road) By the time we got to his house the sun was almost set, so coming back to my house was really chilly. I'm sure I've mentioned before, it doesn't matter the time of year, that last ride home is always a little chilly. ;)
Start: 35,320 km - End: 35,402 km - Total Distance: 82 km
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
We weren't really in a parking lot, because they've got a vehicle mega sale going on in the CN centre parking lot. :P So we ended up at the end of this dead end road. It worked o.k. but there really wasn't enough room. He's doing really well though, he had the slalom down within a few tries.
We did go for a bit of a ride along old summit road. Its a nice and twisty road, which is always a lot of fun.
Start: 35,223 km - End: 35,320 km - Total Distance: 97 km
Trip Statistics
Length of trip: 7 days
Distance traveled: 2186 km
Gas Consumed: 133 L
Average Fuel Consumption: 16.4km/L or 38.6 miles/gallon
Average Price for Fuel: $1.41/L
Monday, June 23, 2008
These were taken at mount Robson. As you can see, it wasn't a perfectly clear day, but none of the clouds were rain clouds. I was very appreciative of that. So now I'm home and unpacked (mostly) and spending some much needed time with my hubby. I do need to pick up some of my riding gear, since its all sitting in a pile near the door.
I think my kitty missed me too. He also does this with luggage. He thinks that if he lays on our stuff we can't leave him again. Oh well, I'll leave him be for now.
I also should mention my animal count for today. I saw 3 (1+2) bears, 3 (2+1) deer, a herd of elk and one eagle. I like to think my daddy sent him to check up on me ;)
Start: 34,764 km - End: 35,223 - Total Distance: 459 km